Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011


Busway merupakan sebuah sistem Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) atau sistem transportasi bus cepat yang mulai resmi dioperasikan oleh pemerintah DKI Jakarta pada tanggal 15 Januari 2004. Busway adalah sebuah solusi alternatif angkutan umum massal yang ditawarkan oleh pemerintah di kota-kota besar agar warganya dapat menikmati jasa angkutan umum yang cepat, nyaman, dan aman. Selain di Jakarta, busway juga telah diterapkan di kota-kota besar lainnya di Indonesia, yaitu Yogyakarta (Trans Jogja), Bandung (Trans Metro Bandung), Bogor (Trans Pakuan), Pekanbaru (Trans Metro Pekanbaru), dan Palembang (Trans Musi). Selama 6 tahun ini, busway di DKI Jakarta telah melayani 8 koridor dengan armada bus sebanyak 426 unit yang melewati total panjang lintasan 123,35 km (lintasan terpanjang di dunia dalam sistem BRT) dan memiliki 141 halte. Meskipun sempat menimbulkan pro dan kontra, nyatanya busway mulai jadi primadona dilihat dari jumlah penumpangnya yang kian hari kian meningkat.


In my opinion

There are 4 main reasons why people prefer to use DKI is the busway compared to other public transport, Busway have a cheapest more than another transportation, Busway have many destination to variety of places in Jakarta, more convenient compared with other public transport and also have security. The rate of Busway is Rp3.500, - per trip is considered to be citizens quite affordable, especially for long-range goals for passenger and transit lanes on the busway stops do not have to pay any more, provided it is not out of the bus stop. Unfortunately, during 6 years of development and management of the busway is not in accordance with the expectations of its users.
Complaints are most often expressed its loyal passengers busway today is old and long queues at bus stops and shelters, especially during the hours of solid (especially in and out of office hours). Passengers also must be willing to jostle in the bus. The main cause is the number of busway fleet and transport capacity that can not offset the number of passengers resulting in the accumulation of passengers. This condition is exacerbated by annexation to other road users that enter the busway lane busway so that increasingly inhibit the rate to be on time to stop.

And decision of this article is Busway Development and Management have to fix all about Busway problem. Example: less fleet, that’s why the queue its so long and its inconvinience for the passenger Transjakarta Busway.

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